Mirroring large number of GitHub or Bitbucket repositories

Use case:

I want to create local clone of a large number of repositories from an organization in GitHub / Bitbucket.


  • user has SSH key registered with the GH / BB - can clone using ssh protocol
  • user has successfully cloned at least one repo from command line before (the /etc/hosts contains host entries for BB and GH)
  • user has modern version of Python 3 installed (3.6 or better)
  • user has local installation of a reasonably modern Git


First I use the ./bb-repo-links.sh and ./gh-repo-links.sh to generate list of repositories. See these blog articles: How to list repositories in Bitbucket and How to list repositories in github

These are text files and have the structure like this:


The first field is the project prefix, and the second is the SSH url for cloning the repository. They are separated by the | character.

Cloning is trivial:

python3 ./process_repos.py NAME-OF-THE-CONTROL-FILE ....


python3 ./process_repos.py pivotree_h3.bb-repo2 pvtrlabs.gh-repo 

The Python script uses ../MIRROR as the starting point for the mirrored tree.

This can be changed by exporting the variable MIRROR_ROOT

export MIRROR_ROOT = '../MIRROR2'

The generated structure looks like this:



  • PLATFORM is bitbucket.org or github.com
  • Account is organization name within the platform
  • PROJECT is project name for Bitbucket, defaults to ‘src’ for GitHub
  • REPO is the repository name

NOTE: the names of some projects are < edited >.

├── bitbucket.org
│   ├── pivotree_h3
│   │   ├── BrownBagExamples
│   │   │   └── apigateway
│   │   ├── DATA
│   │   │   └── sample-data-aws
│   │   ├── DIVE
│   │   │   ├── customer-mgmt-api
│   │   │   ├── data-science-practice
│   │   │   ├── pvt-admin-mgmt-api
│   │   │   └── sagemaker-microservices
│   │   ├── DIVE20
│   │   │   ├── dive-data-manager
│   │   │   └── tr-sgm-duplicates-svc
│   │   ├── DIVECX
│   │   │   ├── dive-cx-account
│   │   │   ├── dive-cx-account-fork
│   │   │   └── pvt-ssm-manager
│   │   └── starter
│   │       ├── pvt-node-module-starter
│   │       ├── pvt-node-starter
│   │       ├── pvt-pipeline-example
│   │       └── pvt-sls-starter
│   └── thinkwrap
│       ├── <PRJ>-CLOUD
│       │   └── <prj>-cloud
│       ├── Admin
│       │   └── tw-bitbucket-admin
│       ├── <PROJECT_1>
│       │   ├── <prj1>-infra
│       │   └── <prj1>-robot
│       ├── BOPIS
│       │   ├── bopis_automation_platform
│       │   └── pvt-bopis
│       ├── <PRJ2>
│       │   └── <prj2>-vtex-poc
│       ├── <PRJ3>
│       │   └── <prj4>-testautomation
│       ├── ZZZ-Archived-Repos
│       │   └── oneclick-starter
│       └── microbase
│           ├── micro-alexa-search
│           ├── micro-alexa-search-skill
│           ├── micro-backoffice
│           ├── micro-cart-service
│           ├── micro-catalog-service
│           ├── micro-customer-service
│           ├── micro-docker-nginx
│           ├── micro-docker-service
│           ├── micro-oauth-service
│           ├── micro-payment-service
│           ├── micro-promotion-service
│           ├── micro-recommendation-service
│           ├── micro-stock-service
│           ├── micro-tax-service
│           ├── microbase
│           └── www.microbase.io
└── github.com
    ├── pivotree-tech-blog
    │   └── src
    │       ├── hugo101
    │       ├── pivotree-tech-blog-source-poc
    │       ├── pivotree-tech-blog.github.io
    │       └── story
    ├── pvtrlabs
    │   └── src
    │       ├── action-skip-ci
    │       ├── at-aws-onelogin-multiapp
    │       ├── at-cloudhealth
    │       ├── at-opsgenie-integrations
    │       ├── terraform-tfe-workspace
    │       ├── terraform-tfe-workspace-full
    │       ├── test-limited-tfc-access
    │       └── test-repo
    └── thinkwrap
        └── src
            ├── ML-Live-Beginner
            ├── ML-Live-Intermediate
            ├── Tiny-Python-3.6-Notebook
            ├── aaac-starter-template
            ├── aws-cost-and-usage-report
            ├── aws-ml-guide
            ├── blast-radius
            ├── docker-aws-cli
            ├── docker-kubernetes-cli
            ├── docker-kubernetes-cli-helm
            ├── docker-node-base-pipelines
            ├── docker-node-sls-pipelines
            ├── docker-node-sls-pipelines-aws
            ├── docker-python-base-pipelines
            ├── docker-sls-cli
            ├── docker-terraform-cli
            ├── docker-terraform-cli-helm
            ├── ecs-deep-dive-2018
            ├── kubernetes-in-action
            ├── programming-with-data
            ├── sgviz
            ├── ssm-parameter-store
            ├── terraform-ecs-fargate
            └── universal-recommender

549 directories, 0 files


If the Python script encounters an existing repository, it tries to do an update by fetching the remote updates. It does NOT merge.


This was also published on our cloud team blog