
Radegast:diagrams miro$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 2.28.0 (20110509.1545)
Radegast:diagrams miro$ which dot
dot is /usr/local/bin/dot


Radegast:schemaSpy miro$ java -jar ./schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -cp .:/Users/miro/lib/java/jdbc/mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar -t mysql -o library -host localhost -u twt_dX_core -db twt_dX_core -p twt_dX_core
Using database properties:
Gathering schema details....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(36sec)
Writing/graphing summary.....
Writing/diagramming details.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(104sec)
Wrote relationship details of 337 tables/views to directory 'library' in 494 seconds.
View the results by opening library/index.html
Radegast:schemaSpy miro$
Radegast:schemaSpy miro$ ll
total 904


@startuml img/sequence_img009.png   
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
alt successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else some kind of failure
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure
    group My own label
    Alice -> Log : Log attack start
        loop 1000       times
            Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack
    Alice -> Log : Log attack end
else Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat

PlantUML Dependency Reverse Engineering

Processes source code and generates the PlantUML Class description file

You can run PlantUML Dependency using the following simplest command :
java -jar plantuml-dependency-1.0.1.jar -o plantuml.txt
This will look for all java source files into the current directory recursively, creating a plantuml.txt file describing the PlantUML class diagram description. 
For processing an other directory, you can use :
java -jar plantuml-dependency-1.0.1.jar -b "~/directory1"
To filter source files to parse, you can use ANT patterns to include or exclude files :
java -jar plantuml-dependency-1.0.1.jar -i **/*Test*.java -e **/*Generated*.java
To change the output file path, you can use :
java -jar plantuml-dependency-1.0.1.jar -o "/directory1/test-plantuml.txt"

Running it from Ant source tree

Radegast:platUml-DEMO miro$ java -jar ../plantuml-dependency-1.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -b /Users/miro/src/apache-ant-1.8.1/src/main -o ant-sources.txt

## ... edit ant-sources.txt to include img/target.png and make it smaller
java -Xmx3096m -jar ../plantuml.jar ant-sources.txt