iTunes AppStore update chaos
I just noticed strange thing: it is most likely unrelated, but it happened right after installing 2.0.2 firmware.
The count of updates for AppStore applications is pretty chaotic. You can see different number of updates when looking into different parts of iTunes. I have noticed this cycle repeating for 9 updates, then 8 and so on - here is how it looked when I got down to 3 un-updated apps after few rounds.
The overview window shows 2 updates:
This is supported with the bottom-right information in the iTunes window:
But after I click on the arrow, here is the screen with ONE update:
However - right after clicking on AppStore -> Application updates in the navigation bar:
I get suddenly 3 updates. And Stanza is NONE of them:
So I update all applications, and number of updates indeed disappears:
So does the text in bottom right corner:
And finaly, everything is OK.
Author Miro Adamy
LastMod 2008-08-20
License (c) 2006-2020 Miro Adamy