ATG Repository structure visualizer
The groovy script does parse the XML files (scraped from dyn-admin, or output of the XML combine) and produces file in the syntax of Plant UML -
if (args.size() == 0) {
println "Usage: groovy extractItems.groovy XMLFILE-IN-GSA-FORMAT.xml"
def gsaFile = new XmlSlurper().parseText(new File(args[0]).text)
def desc = gsaFile.'item-descriptor'
def processItemDescriptor(myDesc) {
def info = [:]
def tables = []
def props = [:]
def descriptors = [:]
for (table in myDesc.table) {
String tableName = table.@name.text()
tables += tableName
// collect table's properties
for (prop in {
String name = "${prop.@name.text()}(${tableName})".replaceAll(/[ -]/, '_')
props[name] = [:]
if ("${prop.@'required'.text()}" != "") {
props[name]['required'] = "${prop.@'required'.text()}"
if ("${prop.@'hidden'.text()}" != "") {
props[name]['hidden'] = "${prop.@'hidden'.text()}"
if ("${prop.@'item-type'.text()}" != "") {
props[name]['item-type'] = "${prop.@'item-type'.text()}"
descriptors["${prop.@name.text()}"] = "${prop.@'item-type'.text().replaceAll(/[ -]/, '_')}"
info['tables'] = tables
// scan for properties outside of tables
for (prop in {
String name = "${prop.@name.text()}".replaceAll(/[ -]/, '_')
props[name] = [:]
if ("${prop.@'item-type'.text()}" != "") {
props[name]['item-type'] = "${prop.@'item-type'.text()}"
info['properties'] = props
info['descriptors'] = descriptors
return info
println "Got ${desc.size()} item-descriptors"
println "@startuml"
for (idesc in desc) {
def info = processItemDescriptor(idesc)
def name = "${idesc.@name.text().replaceAll(/[ -]/, '_')}"
println "\nclass ${name} {"
for (p in info.tables)
println "\t"+p
println ".."
for (p in
println "\t"+p
println "}"
for (p in info.descriptors?.keySet())
println "\t ${name} *-- ${info.descriptors[p]} : ${p}"
println "@enduml"
The generation (requires installed dot tools)
groovy ./extractItems.groovy pricing-generated.xml >pricing.uml
groovy ./extractItems.groovy catalog-generated.xml >catalog.uml
java -jar /opt/diagram/plantuml.jar catalog.uml
java -jar /opt/diagram/plantuml.jar pricing.uml
The files I used:
- catalog-generated.xml
- Output - catalog.uml
Here is the generated image:
What is included
Every item descriptor contains
- list of database tables used
- list of properties. If property is from table, it has its name as parameter
- links between descriptors are rendered and annotated by the property that holds it
See also GitHub -
Author Miro Adamy
LastMod 2014-11-04
License (c) 2006-2020 Miro Adamy