

curl -L -O http://download.elasticsearch.org/PATH/TO/VERSION.zip
unzip elasticsearch-$VERSION.zip
cd  elasticsearch-$VERSION

Marvel is management plugin - console about cluster. Install:

./bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
# disable data collection for local cluster

echo 'marvel.agent.enabled: false' >> ./config/elasticsearch.yml


Startup log:

➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  bin/elasticsearch
[2014-08-27 11:17:08,325][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] version[1.3.2], pid[59610], build[dee175d/2014-08-13T14:29:30Z]
[2014-08-27 11:17:08,325][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] initializing ...
[2014-08-27 11:17:08,338][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Joe Fixit] loaded [marvel], sites [marvel, kopf]
[2014-08-27 11:17:10,905][INFO ][marvel.agent             ] [Joe Fixit] collecting disabled by settings
[2014-08-27 11:17:11,020][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] initialized
[2014-08-27 11:17:11,021][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] starting ...
[2014-08-27 11:17:11,131][INFO ][transport                ] [Joe Fixit] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2014-08-27 11:17:11,148][INFO ][discovery                ] [Joe Fixit] elasticsearch/nNgRXlHARHCPutTq7dZXWg
[2014-08-27 11:17:14,160][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [Joe Fixit] new_master [Joe Fixit][nNgRXlHARHCPutTq7dZXWg][Miros-MacBook-Pro-2.local][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
[2014-08-27 11:17:14,181][INFO ][http                     ] [Joe Fixit] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2014-08-27 11:17:14,181][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] started
[2014-08-27 11:17:14,726][INFO ][gateway                  ] [Joe Fixit] recovered [4] indices into cluster_state
[2014-08-27 11:18:00,491][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [Joe Fixit] added {[logstash-Miros-MacBook-Pro-2.local-59618-4086][Eh5YjUFxSIWIn4xK45xu0w][Miros-MacBook-Pro-2.local][inet[/]]{client=true, data=false},}, reason: zen-disco-receive(join from node[[logstash-Miros-MacBook-Pro-2.local-59618-4086][Eh5YjUFxSIWIn4xK45xu0w][Miros-MacBook-Pro-2.local][inet[/]]{client=true, data=false}])
Installed some pluggins - marvel, kopf ...


➜  ~  curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'
  "status" : 200,
  "name" : "Sea Urchin",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "1.3.2",
    "build_hash" : "dee175dbe2f254f3f26992f5d7591939aaefd12f",
    "build_timestamp" : "2014-08-13T14:29:30Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "4.9"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

The sense console allows to avoid using curl and do it from browser: - <http://localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel/sense/ >


same name in cluster.name, default

➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  cat config/elasticsearch.yml | grep cluster.name
#cluster.name: elasticsearch

Node names are generated, often funny

  • Sea Urchin
  • Franz Kafka
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  grep -r 'initializing ...' logs/
logs//elasticsearch.log:[2014-08-28 00:00:32,437][INFO ][node                     ] [Thing] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log:[2014-08-28 00:02:01,637][INFO ][node                     ] [Stacy X] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log:[2014-08-28 00:21:50,121][INFO ][node                     ] [Ursa Major] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log:[2014-08-28 10:32:37,790][INFO ][node                     ] [Sea Urchin] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log.2014-08-21:[2014-08-21 16:39:34,140][INFO ][node                     ] [Moonstone] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log.2014-08-26:[2014-08-26 12:15:31,948][INFO ][node                     ] [Hydro-Man] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log.2014-08-27:[2014-08-27 11:17:08,325][INFO ][node                     ] [Joe Fixit] initializing ...
logs//elasticsearch.log.2014-08-27:[2014-08-27 23:57:11,077][INFO ][node                     ] [Overkill] initializing ...


Two built in java clients - port 9300, native protocol

Must have same Java version

  • node client (non-data mode)
  • transport client (send to remote cluster, does not join the cluster)

APIs for Java, JS, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby (even .NET).

Community API for command line

➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  curl -s download.elasticsearch.org/es2unix/es >~/bin/es
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  es version
zsh: permission denied: es
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  chmod +x ~/bin/es
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  es version
es            20140723711d4f9
elasticsearch 1.3.2
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  es indices -v
status name                pri rep size    bytes   docs
yellow logstash-2014.08.21   5   1         19313      5
yellow shakespeare           5   1      19087632 111396
yellow logstash-2014.08.22   5   1         47220     18
yellow logstash-2014.08.27   5   1      24996521  14490
yellow logstash-2014.08.28   5   1      36012778  22645
yellow kibana-int            5   1         36253      3
yellow .marvel-kibana        5   1          3586      1
yellow logstash-2013.12.11   5   1          9943      1
➜  elasticsearch-1.3.2  es nodes
yI0t6FIPTAm83QlwXWvO1Q 9200 9300 1.7.0_55 10.6% 0 d * Sea Urchin

Restfull API - 9200

  • optional ?pretty


curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_count?pretty' -d '
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}


GET /_count
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}

Documents are in JSON - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Json. All clients handle conversion to JSON automagically

See Tutorial on Elastic post


Tutorial from: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/kibana/current/using-kibana-for-the-first-time.html

Applying mapping to prevent indexing of some fields

curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/shakespeare -d '
 "mappings" : {
  "_default_" : {
   "properties" : {
    "speaker" : {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
    "play_name" : {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
    "line_id" : { "type" : "integer" },
    "speech_number" : { "type" : "integer" }
[2014-08-27 19:43:07,087][INFO ][cluster.metadata         ] [Joe Fixit] [shakespeare] creating index, cause [api], shards [5]/[1], mappings [_default_]

Loaded shakespeare.json