Fix for iDVD 08 crash after the start
Today I tried for the first time the iDVD 08 with intention to create DVD version of the screencast - just to find out that the application dies right after the start. From the error report (thanks for that) the problem was in missing dependency Oxygene framework - a module similar to Windows DLL. Here is the error message:
[sourcecode language='xml']
Link (dyld) error:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/Oxygene.framework/Versions/A/Oxygene
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found
The solutions described in the Apple discussion groups revolved around using shareware tool Pacifist - something I did not like particularly. The plain reinstallation of the DVD did not help either.
What worked for me and solved the problem was complete removal of iDVD and subsequential reinstall. I used AppZapper to remove the application, but it also can be done manually by deleting the application bundle from /Applications, removing all iDVD receipts from /Library/Receipts and all content from ~/Library/iDVD and ~/Library/Preferences (which is in a nutshell all AppZapper did).
Right after removal, insert Installation disk 1, select Install Bundled Software Only, press Customize and uncheck everything except iDVD. The program starts fine after installation finishes.
One more minor hickup after reinstall was that the Theme introduction would not play in preview - all the application showed was black screen with background music. This was resolved by selecting 'Check for updates' and allowing installation of the update. Afterwards, I was able to start working in my first DVD :-).
Author Miro Adamy
LastMod 2008-05-15
License (c) 2006-2020 Miro Adamy