With the walking season almost upon us (so far only walks by streets, for the Ottawa River Pathway one still needs a snowshoes), it is time to replenish the stock of listening material. Here are some of the about 10 new podcasts that I tried out recently and decided to keep:

1) Pragmatic Programmers podcast. That was a pleasant find (thanks Milos). The topics covered are very wide - as are topics covered by the books. Average lengths is about half hour and the podcasts appear about 1-2 per month. I really liked the interviews with Michael Nygard and Johanna Rothman. The disadvantage of these podcasts is fairly miserable audio quality - the discussions are done by phone or something is wrong with the recording. Maybe I am spoiled by great professional audio of most of the TWIT network podcasts - but after Leo and the gang, this audio is really hard on ears.

2) Fortunately, the second podcast - WebDevRadio.com does not suffer from bad audio quality. Topics covered is as name says and as added bonus, web site provides links to episodes.

3) Late Night Cocoa is podcast focusing on Mac development with Objective C and Cocoa. There is also screencast available.

4) The series of podcasts on InformIT: so far I tried out OnOpenSource and found it quite interesting. Technically, it is a video podcast. But in reality, you will not loose much if you just listen to it, because the video adds little to information value: two guys sitting and talking. While it is interesting to see how the people from Open Source project look like, it is not really necessary to watch the full interview - it is what they say that counts. Main disadvantage of this podcast on iPod Touch is that you have to let the screen switched on which eats battery much faster. Not ideal while walking.

If you happen to be able to understand Czech, the group of guys in Prague is publishing Java centric podcast named Java Portal. Audio quality varies, content is surprisingly good. Prague is large spot on world map of software development centers that contributed a lot to projects like Netbeans or IntelliJIDEA.

For me I found that it is very refreshing to listen to podcasts in other languages than English. Without satellite television available carrying TV stations from the old country I have lost contact with everyday living Czech language. If you feel the same, give Java Portal a try. I am now in a search for good tech podcast in German. Any recommendations ?