From Scott Guthrie's interview on .NET futures

SG: We’ve seen demand for an MVC framework on two fronts. One is for even more testability, having the ability to completely mock-up a request. We’ve also always seen with ASP.NET that some people like having the server control, postback model; some people say, “I just want absolute control.”

The MVC framework we’re coming up with is a fairly simple MVC model, it’s very clean, it’s a front controller model, and it integrates very well into ASP.NET so you can use ASP.NET forms authentication, session state, security, personalisation, caching, all the standard features, but with an alternative to the postback model where you have a more traditional controller-view separation and have complete control over your HTML.

The other thing is that for the view, you can use .aspx templates, master pages and all the Visual Studio tool features. It integrates nicely into ASP.NET and preserves everyone’s investment. You can have a single app that has both pages built with MVC and pages built with postback. People can choose.


Finally - if that happens, maybe next time when I will be crossing the platform boundaries going back from Java and Spring to ASP.NET on the next project, I will not have that old feeling as in 2005: yes, this ASP.NET thing works, one can build pretty decent application in it and is not really so bad after you get used to it - but is still sooo inflexible and limiting compared to the beauty and simplicity of Spring MVC, or Webmacro.

Looking forward :-)