Programmer's classification
Gabo sent me this link - it is some half-joke half serious knock-off of the Myers-Briggs personality classification. Same as in case of MB, it gives you four letters. Unlike in MB, the letters are different:
Instead of E/I - Extroversion or Introversion, N/S (iNtuitive / Sensing), T/F (Thinking/Feeling) and J/P (Judging/Perceiving),
it classifies you either as D/P - Doer or Planner, L/H - Low or High level programmer, S/T - Solo or Team programmer and C/B Conservative/liBeral.
Quick characteristics of the groups:
Doer (very quick at getting tasks done, focusing on outcome You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task and the faster you can reach that outcome the better. After all, time is money.
Planner (slower, but you'll usually find the best solutions)
Low level (old school of programming preferring the intimate relationship with the computer and coding to bare metal)
High level (seeing the objects and components)
Solo situation (The best way to program is by yourself)
Team (believing that group is better than the sum of it's parts)
Conservative programmer. (write short and to the point code that gets the job done efficiently.
liBeral programmer (as we are not writing on paper anymore so we can take up as much room as we need).
Now this is of course not meant as anything as serious as MB, but there are still interesting parallels: the Solo/Team preference corresponds to I/E type - introverts would prefer to program alone, extroverts in team. The L/H has in my opinion some relation with S/N - as the higher degree of detail and "down to metal" focus mash better with sensing approach, whereas more abstract concepts like objects and components seems to be closer to conceptual, large picture intuition. The D/P seems to be related to P/J: judging types will IMHO be more likely to plan and evaluate alternatives, whereas the doers will not mind react to the change as it occurs - the P treat.
What do you think ? (I really wish Connie could do this test - too bad it is heavily profession biased).
Take 10 minutes and see for yourself.
Author Miro Adamy
LastMod 2007-03-03
License (c) 2006-2020 Miro Adamy